Welcome to our Community!

“Thank you, Deb, for giving me the tools to free my baggage!” -N.J.

Hey there! I’m Deb. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Here’s what you need to know about me…

I love my family, Nature, writing, color, affirmations, crystals, belly laughs that make me cry, and hearing awesome success stories.

I also love this soul-centered community I’ve been cultivating for over a decade now. I believe there’s nothing better than sharing stories, connecting with each other and receiving support from like-minded peeps.

I've been leading classes as a certified Qigong Instructor and Meditation Guide since 2013, a Reiki Master since 2014 and an Affirmation Junkie since forever. I've also been presenting workshops as an EFT (Tapping) Practitioner since 2012, featuring my unique ITAP Method.

I offer you the same promise in all I do: I'm a real-live Human sharing my experiences with other Humans about the stuff I promised myself I'd never do again and how I learned to do way better. And, hopefully, that will serve you as well.

I have only this intention: that I am of benefit to you on your way to stepping into the most fabulous version of yourself. Will this transformation require work? Yes. Yes, it will. However, I believe this to be most definitely true:


And, don’t worry, I’ll be reminding you every step of the way. In fact, let’s start right now. Click HERE for my FREE weekday messages.

Then YOU can start to believe it, too!

“Everyone always told me to get over it or let it go, but they never told me how. You showed me how to do just that.” -G.G.